So, you want to create an EPIC marketing video for your business?! That’s GREAT news because, by now, just about every man and their dog knows: Video is KING when it comes to marketing. A well-crafted video marketing strategy can captivate viewers, convey powerful messages, and drive conversions. In this article, we will delve into the essential steps to create a killer video marketing strategy that will set your business apart from the competition.

Video is KING - even these cute doggies agree that video marketing strategy is everything!

Let’s run over some stats:

You know the drill: drive more opportunity, more leads and more sales. But, in order to get so many leads and sales that they’re coming out of your ears, you need some AMAZING video content. So let’s get started!

Video 101

Set realistic goals but shoot for the stars!

Decide what matters most and make sure that you’re clear on where you’re setting your sights:

Your goals need to reflect what you can realistically achieve combined with your dreams of becoming a “viral phenomenon”

Understand your audience

Now that you know what you want, you can just go out and get it right? Wrong. You need to understand your audience. Not just for your video marketing strategy, but for the entire future of your business! So get your ducks in a row and take a really good look at who your audience is and what it is that they want.

ducks in a row for video marketing content

Ask yourself

If you understand your audience, you will know exactly who you’re speaking to and you can tailor your messaging so that it resonates with them.

WHERE is your audience?

Are they on a specific social media platform? Multiple? Think about what spaces they occupy and how they might go about searching for a business like yours. This will tell you where you need to look at distributing your marketing video. The more channels the better!

Food for thought

Targeting works differently on each platform. For example, Facebook targeting is primarily interest and demographics-based, whereas LinkedIn allows you to be specific, targeting skills, job titles and business size.

Select the type of video you want to create

Video is basically the most powerful marketing tool out there no matter the message you’re trying to convey and there are multiple types of video styles to try!

For example

If you know the type of video you’re wanting to create, it can be useful to think about the different mediums you want to try.

For example

Food for thought

Social media channels play a huge part in the types of video you create, too.

Video Production Timeline

Depending on the type of video you want to create, your video production timeline might look a little different. but here’s an idea of how our team at theProduct does it (and we’re happy to do it for you too)

Of course, this process is checkered with all the absolutely necessary approvals and sign-offs required to ensure your complete happiness with your video.

Define your Message

No matter which type, style or medium you choose to go with, one of the most important parts of any marketing strategy is making sure your message is clear, concise, and defined. Without a strong message, your video may come across as ambiguous or confusing to viewers.

Stick to one main message per video, especially if you’re creating an explainer video. Remember: It’s an explainer video, not an explain everything video!

Food for thought

Search Engine Optimisation Strategy

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a crucial component of any successful video marketing strategy. It involves optimising your website and online content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results.

Did you know

By implementing effective SEO techniques, you can attract organic traffic, increase brand exposure, and drive valuable leads to your website. Check out our 5 key aspects of Video SEO that can help you achieve higher search engine rankings and reach your target audience effectively.

Content Creation

Now that you know what you want for your business, it’s time to shoot your EPIC video content and implement an AWESOME Video with your AMAZING video marketing strategy!!

Food for Thought

Don’t have the time to shoot your video? We can do it for you!

lights, camera, action - let's film your video content!

Remember those leads and sales we talked about earlier?
theProduct offers professional video shooting and editing services, as well as specialised video marketing strategy and content plans! We can integrate your EPIC videos into your social media strategy and help your business optimise its social media presence. Driving more Opportunities, more Leads and more Sales (which is what everyone wants)!

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